Bustle About Ltd
Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
Unless specifically stated on the deposit receipt removal and refitting of seats or other items from the customer’s vehicle is not included. If the customer cannot arrange for seats or other items to be removed from the vehicle and delivered to the workshop then the services of a mobile mechanic can be arranged at the customer’s risk and expense, please ask for a quote.
Due to the nature of ‘made to order’ bespoke goods, once the materials have been purchased and/or work has begun the deposit is non-refundable.
We reserve the right to levy an administration charge of £15 on any deposit refunded to cover costs incurred in processing the order and the refund.
Prior to work commencing on a customer’s vehicle, seats or other items we reserve the right to cancel orders, if this happens we will refund the deposit.
We always endeavour to deliver our goods and services by the agreed date but as a small company, the possibility of illness, accident and other unforeseen circumstances means we can never guarantee delivery dates. We will endeavour to keep the customer informed at all times of supply problems, or other factors, which can affect delivery times.
Additional work, which may not have been apparent when the order was placed (for example when existing covers are removed) will be advised on the discovery, and a course of action agreed.
Old covers will be removed prior to upholstery, these covers will be discarded, recycled or salvaged unless customer advises that they are to be returned, this advice must be written into the order.
We reserve the right to apply a 15% surcharge for handling fabrics supplied by a customer. We will do our best to advise customers of the suitability of fabrics, whether supplied by ourselves or not, however, covering fabric supplied by the customer is at their own risk. Shortage of covering fabric supplied by the customer is the customer’s responsibility and not ours.
Delivery and collection of vehicles, seats and other items to the workshop is to be arranged by the customer at the customer’s risk and expense unless otherwise written into the order.
Vehicles, seats and other items must be collected promptly on completion of the order, we reserve the right to charge for storing items not collected in a timely manner.
All vehicles left in the premises or parked in the yard are left at the owner’s risk.
Legislation requires that online orders can be cancelled without charge within 14 days of the order being accepted, if a customer wishes work to commence (including ordering any materials which may be required to complete the order) within 14 days then the customer must tick the box waiving their rights to the cooling off period.
The following is applicable to internet and online orders only:
I wish to waive my right to a 14 day ‘cooling off’ period so that work can commence immediately. |
Bustle About Limited
Embroidery and Vinyl Printing – Additional Terms and Conditions
Customer Supplied Garments
Embroidery is a mechanical process, occasionally during the embroidery process, a garment may be damaged by the machine. If you supply the garment and there is a problem, we do not replace your item. Your damaged piece will be returned to you with an apology.
Vinyl printing is a high-temperature process, occasionally during the process, a garment may be damaged by the heat. If you supply the garment and there is a problem, we do not replace your item. Your damaged piece will be returned to you with an apology.
This is why we prefer to work on garments from our suppliers that Bustle About Limited may easily replace.
Problems do not arise often, but the customer must be aware and agree to the possibility.
Artwork and Designs
We will use the artwork you supply us to create your embroidery or vinyl printed design. By providing the artwork you give Bustle About Limited full consent to reproduce the artwork or designs and you confirm that the artwork is yours to use, and/or free from copyright infringement. You accept full responsibility in the event of any copyright infringement and will fully indemnify Bustle About Limited.
We will email the you a visual proof of the design before commencing the embroidery or vinyl printing process, if you do not have access to email please call in to view the design in person.
It is the customer’s responsibility to check the visual proof thoroughly to ensure they are happy with the design layout, to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors and that colours and design sizes are accurate. Please note that sometimes the visual display on screen of the design or garment colour may differ slightly to the finished colours on the garments.
Embroidery and vinyl printing orders are subject to a 25-30% design variance from swatch approval to finished garments due to the variation is garment materials.
Customer Signature _______________________________ Date _________________
Print Name ______________________________________________________________
On behalf of _____________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
Bustle About Limited does not accept any liability whatsoever, for any damage to customer supplied garments during the process of embroidering or vinyl printing. All garments are left and embroidered or printed entirely at the customer’s own risk.
Recent Comments
- Mark Barnes on Bin Buddy
- admin on Landy Seats
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