Based in the Black Country, we offer a custom upholstery and trimming service with a definitively personal touch. Hand made to order, auto trim services at a price you will love as much as your own design.
Bringing back to former glory your car seats, trim, roof lining or maybe perhaps a custom design upgraded interior for your beloved motor vehicle.
As a vehicle trim / upholstery specialist, our core business is giving those treasured Land Rovers that bit of TLC to make them beautiful, show worthy pieces again after general wear and tear or off-road adventure damage.
We can make good your old vehicle interior, roof lining, cubby box, gear gaiters by means of repair or complete re-trim. We re-upholster standard seats and captain seats. We can even custom make you your own matching Bin Buddy and WebStor panels, plus much much more.
We have hundreds of quality auto leather, auto vinyls and fabrics to chose from, including headlining and sidelining fabrics.
We do love Land Rovers, but we also take pride in applying our skills to other private restorations to bike seats, VW camper vans plus much much more.
You can find us on facebook @Bustleabout ring direct on 07817 851442 or you can email for more information.
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- Mark Barnes on Bin Buddy
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